
Update 2 for VPHybridCAD/VPview V17 and VPmap/VPindex V10

Important: This service is for registered users only. If you have not yet registered your VP software license with softelec, please do so first. Either, use the paper registration form from your VP product box, or take the convenient way and register online today.

The Update applies to:
    VPHybridCAD V17/V17.1
    VPmap Series V10/V10.1
    VPindex V10/V10.1
    VPview V17/V17.1

When running the update installation program you will be guided through a dialog. Start the update program after download. Your installed VP software products will be displayed to confirm an automatic update. All Version 17/10 installations of VPHybridCAD/VPmap/VPindex/VPview will be offered.
The Update is valid for VP software in both, "stand-alone" and inside AutoCAD installations.

Please select carefully according to your current installation:


    (108 MB, June 28th, 2022)


    (124 MB, June 28th, 2022)

ReadMe: a detailed list of corrections and enhancements can be downloaded here.

Update 1 for VPHybridCAD/VPview V16 and VPmap/VPindex V9

Important: This service is for registered users only. If you have not yet registered your VP software license with softelec, please do so first. Either, use the paper registration form from your VP product box, or take the convenient way and register online today.

The Update applies to:
    VPHybridCAD V16
    VPmap Series V9
    VPindex V9
    VPview V16

When running the update installation program you will be guided through a dialog. Start the update program after download. Your installed VP software products will be displayed to confirm an automatic update. All Version 16/9 installations of VPHybridCAD/VPmap/VPindex/VPview will be offered.
The Update is valid for VP software in both, "stand-alone" and inside AutoCAD installations.

Please select carefully according to your current installation:


    (140 MB, May 22nd, 2020)


    (153 MB, May 22nd, 2020)

ReadMe: a detailed list of corrections and enhancements can be downloaded here.

Update 2 for VPHybridCAD/VPview V15 and VPmap/VPindex V8

Important: This service is for registered users only. If you have not yet registered your VP software license with softelec, please do so first. Either, use the paper registration form from your VP product box, or take the convenient way and register online today.

The Update applies to:
    VPHybridCAD V15+V15.1
    VPmap Series V8+V8.1
    VPindex V8+V8.1
    VPview V15+V15.1

When running the update installation program you will be guided through a dialog. Start the update program after download. Your installed VP software products will be displayed to confirm an automatic update. All Version 15/8 installations of VPHybridCAD/VPmap/VPindex/VPview will be offered.
The Update is valid for VP software in both, "stand-alone" and inside AutoCAD installations.

Please select carefully according to your current installation:


    (130 MB, April 8th, 2019)


    (140 MB, April 8th, 2019)

ReadMe: a detailed list of corrections and enhancements can be downloaded here.

Service Pack 1 for VPHybridCAD/VPview V14.2 and VPmap/VPindex V7.2

Important: This service is for registered users only. If you have not yet registered your VP software license with softelec, please do so first. Either, use the paper registration form from your VP product box,
or take the convenient way and register here today.

The Service Pack applies to:
    VPHybridCAD V14.2
    VPmap Series V7.2
    VPindex V7.2
    VPview V14.2

When running the update installation program you will be guided through a dialog. Start the update program after download. Your installed VP software products will be displayed to confirm an automatic update. All Version 14/7 installations of VPHybridCAD/VPmap/VPindex/VPview will be offered.
The Update is valid for VP software in both, "stand-alone" and inside AutoCAD installations.

Please select carefully according to your current installation:


    (44 MB, March 20th, 2018)


    (55 MB, March 20th, 2018)

ReadMe: a detailed list of corrections and enhancements can be downloaded here.

Service Pack 4 for VPHybridCAD/VPview V14 and VPmap/VPindex V7

Important: This service is for registered users only. If you have not yet registered your VP software license with softelec, please do so first. Either, use the paper registration form from your VP product box,
or take the convenient way and register online today.

The Service Pack applies to:
    VPHybridCAD V14.01/14.1
    VPmap Series V7.01/7.1
    VPindex V7.01/7.1
    VPview V14.01/14.1
    (with or without SP1/SP2)

When running the update installation program you will be guided through a dialog. Start the update program after download. Your installed VP software products will be displayed to confirm an automatic update. All Version 14/7 installations of VPHybridCAD/VPmap/VPindex/VPview will be offered.
The Update is valid for VP software in both, "stand-alone" and inside AutoCAD installations.

Please select carefully according to your current installation:


    (58 MB, October 10th, 2017)


    (59 MB, October 10th, 2017)

ReadMe: a detailed list of corrections and enhancements can be downloaded here.

Service Pack 2 for VPHybridCAD/VPview V13 and VPmap/VPindex V6

Important: This service is for registered users only. If you have not yet registered your VP software license with softelec, please do so first. Either, use the paper registration form from your VP product box,
or take the convenient way and register online today.

The Service Pack applies to:
    VPHybridCAD V13.01
    VPmap Series V6.01
    VPindex V6.01
    VPview V13.01
    (with or without SP1)

When running the update installation program you will be guided through a dialog. Start the update program after download. Your installed VP software products will be displayed to confirm an automatic update. All Version 13/6 installations of VPHybridCAD/VPmap/VPindex/VPview will be offered.
The Update is valid for VP software in both, "stand-alone" and inside AutoCAD installations.

Please select carefully according to your current installation:


    (71 MB, April 14th, 2016)


    (75 MB, April 14th, 2016)

ReadMe: a detailed list of corrections and enhancements can be downloaded here.

Update for VPHybridCAD/VPview V12 and VPmap/VPindex V5

Important: This service is for registered users only. If you have not yet registered your VP software license with softelec, please do so first. Either, use the paper registration form from your VP product box,
or take the convenient way and register online today.

The Update applies to (with and without SP1 or SP2):
    VPHybridCAD V12.01
    VPmap Series V5.01
    VPindex V5.01
    VPview V12.01

When running the update installation program you will be guided through a dialog. Start the update program after download. Your installed VP software products will be displayed to confirm an automatic update. All Version 12/5 installations of VPHybridCAD/VPmap/VPindex/VPview will be offered.
The Update is valid for VP software in both, "stand-alone" and inside AutoCAD installations.

Please select carefully according to your current installation:


    (78 MB, August 1st, 2014)


    (72 MB, August 1st, 2014)

ReadMe: a detailed list of corrections and enhancements can be downloaded here.

Service Pack 2a for VPHybridCAD/VPview V11.02 and VPmap Series V4.02

Important: This service is for registered users only. If you have not yet registered your VP software license with softelec, please do so first. Either, use the paper registration form from your VP product box,
or take the convenient way and register online today.

The Service Pack applies to:
    VPHybridCAD V11.02 (SP1/SP1a/SP2)
    VPmap Series V4.02 (SP1/SP1a/SP2)
    VPview V11.02 (SP1/SP1a/SP2)
If your VPHybridCAD/VPview/VPmap installation is not yet Version x.02 SP1, please update to Version x.02 SP1 first (see below).

When running the update installation program you will be guided through a dialog. Start the update program after download. Your installed VP software products will be displayed to confirm an automatic update. All Version 11/4 installations of VPHybridCAD/VPmap will be offered. Please check your current installation carefully.
The Service Pack is valid for VP software in both, "stand-alone" and inside AutoCAD installations.

If you have already installed the Service Pack 2 from August 7 you will get the message that you have already installed Version 11.02.0003 together with the question to continue installing this Service Pack anyway. Answer this with "Yes". This will also solve any problems you may have had when trying to uninstall your VP product. softelec apologize for all inconvenience due to that.

Please select carefully according to your current installation:

    ServicePack 2a.exe

    (29.8 MB, September 19, 2012)

    ServicePack 2a x64.exe

    (18.9 MB, September 19, 2012)

ReadMe: a detailed list of corrections and enhancements can be downloaded here.

Updates for VPHybridCAD/VPview V11 and VPmap Series V4

Important: This service is for registered users only. If you have not yet registered your VP software license with softelec, please do so first. Either, use the paper registration form from your VP product box,
or take the convenient way and register online today.

When running the update installation program you will be guided through a dialog. Start the update program after download. Your installed VP software products will be displayed to confirm an automatic update.
The update is valid for VP software in both, "stand-alone" and inside AutoCAD installations.

Please select carefully according to your current installation:

    SP1 VP V4.02+V11.02.exe

    (59.5 MB, September 16, 2011)

    SP1 VP V4.02+V11.02x64.exe

    (41.3 MB, September 16, 2011)

ReadMe: a detailed list of corrections and enhancements can be downloaded here.

Service Pack for VPindex V4

Important: This service is for registered users only. If you have not yet registered your VP software license with softelec, please do so first. Either, use the paper registration form from your VP product box,
or take the convenient way and register online today.

When running the update installation program you will be guided through a dialog. Start the update program after download. Your installed VP software products will be displayed to confirm an automatic update.

Download the Service Pack here:

    SP1 VPindexV4.02.exe (11.4 MB, September 16, 2011)

ReadMe: a detailed list of corrections and enhancements can be downloaded here.

Updates for VPHybridCAD V10.03 and VPmap Series V3.03

Important: This service is for registered users only. If you have not yet registered your VP software license with softelec, please do so first.
Either use the paper registration form from your VP product box, or take the convenient way and
register ONLINE today.

softelec provides an Update to Version Vx.11 for Version x.03 and Version x.1 which includes some new features and fixes.
The Update applies to:
    VPHybridCAD V10.03, V10.03 SP1, and V10.1
    VPmap Series V3.03, V3.03 SP1, and V3.1
If your VPHybridCAD/VPmap installation is not yet Version x.03, please update to Version x.03 first. If you have already installed Version 10.1 or 3.1 and want to work with AutoCAD 2010, we strongly recommend to uninstall this version and reinstall Version 10.11 or 3.11 again. Navigate to "Demo" to download the complete program packages.

Download the Service Pack here:
    VP Vx.11-Update.exe (31.8 MB, October 13, 2009)

After download double click for guided installation.

ReadMe: a detailed list of corrections and enhancements can be downloaded here.

Updates for VPHybridCAD/VPview V10 and VPmap Series V3

Important: This service is for registered users only. If you have not yet registered your VP software license with softelec, please do so first.
Either use the paper registration form from your VP product box, or take the convenient way and
register ONLINE today.

softelec provides an Update to Version x.03 which includes multiple improvements and fixes.
The Update applies to:
    VPHybridCAD V10
    VPmap Series V3
    VPview V10
Download the Update here:
    VP Update 1-2009.exe (34,4 MB, January 16, 2009)
After download double click for guided installation.

ReadMe: a detailed list of corrections and enhancements can be downloaded here.

Update Archive

Updates for older VPHybridCAD, VPmap Series, and VPview versions can be downloaded here.

Update VPLicenseManager

Update the VPLicenseManager on your server if you want to use the latest VP product licenses in your corporate network:
    - Uninstall previous VPLicenseManager
    - Download, unzip and install VPLicenseManager on your server:

        VPLicenseManager V2.70 (4.1 MB, September 21st, 2016)