Update Archive
Updates for VPHybridCAD/VPview V9 and VPmap Series V2.1
Important: This service is for registered users only. If you have not yet registered your VP software license with softelec, please do so first.Either use the paper registration form from your VP product box, or take the convenient way and
register ONLINE today.
softelec provides a "Filter Update/Patch" which includes improvements on import and export handling for several file formats, plus a few general program corrections. Especially, corrections for DWG, PDF, TIF and SVG formats have been worked in.
The Filter Update/Patch updates installations of:
VPHybridCAD 9.03
VPmap Series 2.13
VPview 9.03
(9,8 MB, February 27, 2008)
ReadMe: a detailed list of corrections and enhancements can be downloaded here.
The Service Pack 2 updates installations of
VPHybridCAD 9.0x to 9.03
VPmap Series 2.1x to 2.13
VPview 9.0x to 9.03:
VP Service Pack 2-2007.exe
(109MB, July 20, 2007)
Updates for VPHybridCAD and VPview V8
Important: This service is for registered users only. If you have not yet registered your VP software license with softelec, please do so first.Either use the paper registration form from your VP product box, or take the convenient way and register ONLINE today.
Update VPHybridCAD/VPview Version 8.01/8.02 to 8.03:
Attention: There are two different versions of this patch!
- This patch is ONLY valid if you have installed your VP software as an application for AutoCAD 2004, 2005, 2006.
(The product About Box must contain "VP Product V8 C7"):
Patch to V8.03 (AutoCAD 2004, 2005, 2006) (18.8 MB) - In all other cases, please use this patch. (The product About Box
must contain
"VP Product V8 C6"):
Patch to V8.03 (20.1 MB)
Update VPHybridCAD Versions 7.x to 7.13
Attention: there are two versions of this patch:-
Only if you installed VP as an application for AutoCAD 2004, 2005,
then use this patch:
Patch to version V7.13 (AutoCAD 2004, 2005) (13.1 MB) -
All other users please use this patch:
Patch to version V7.13 (14.7 MB)
Update VPHybridCAD Version 6.75 to 6.76
This update is only necessary, if you upgraded to Version 7.1x - but you still want to use your former Version 6.75 license(s) on your PC.Attention: Once Version 6.76 was executed with a Version 6.75 hardlock, this hardlock will not be recognized by Version 6.75 anymore!
Patch VPHybridCAD V6.75 to V6.76 (8 MB)
Import/Export filters
New IGES Filter for VPHybridCAD Version 7.12/7.13:
Unpack and overwrite the old filter file in the "Filters" subdirectory
C:\VPstudio V7\Filters\...).
Attention: there are two versions:
- Only if you installed VP as an application for AutoCAD 2004, 2005, then use this filter: IoIGES_2004.zip
- All other user please use this filter: IoIGES.zip