Index of News Archive

New Release of VPHybridCAD, VPmap Series, VPindex, and VPview (November 27th, 2015)

VPsolutions now with AutoCAD 2015 Support (August 1st, 2014)

New Release of VPHybridCAD, VPmap Series, VPindex, and VPview (May 28th, 2013)

New VPindex Version 4 (May 16 2011)

New VP Software Versions (May 09 2011)

New Service Pack (February 10 2011)

New VPHybridCAD Version 11 (October 29 2010)

New VPmap Series Version 4 (October 29 2010)

Scan Editing and Conversion now available for AutoCAD 2010 (September 10 2009)

New VPHybridCAD V10 release sets standards for scans (September 5, 2008)

New VPmap Series V3 - Geodata from scanned maps (September 5, 2008)

New version/service pack: VPHybridCAD, VPmap Series, VPview (July 23, 2007)

VPindex V3: new version released (June 14, 2007)

VPHybridCAD, VPmap Series to support AutoCAD® 2008 (May 15, 2007)

Operating VP software with Windows VistaTM (March 14, 2007)

VPHybridCAD - VPmap Series Service Pack (February 12, 2007)

VPHybridCAD V9 now supports AutoCAD 2007 (December 4, 2006)

New softelec tool for CATALOGcreator (August 28, 2006)

Successful International Distributors Summit (May 26, 2006)

Now: VPmap Series Version 2 (May 8, 2006)

German road planning agency decides for VPmap (February 6, 2006)

softelec moves ahead (January 20, 2006)...

VPHybridCAD 8.03 Released (October 21, 2005)...

Exclusive Promotion for US Clients (September 6, 2005)...

softelec introduces new software Hannover Fair (April 1, 2005)...

softelec Appoints New Management (January 24, 2005)...

Increasing demand for softelec software (September 20, 2004)...

VPmap Series Released! (June 15, 2004)...

VPHybridCAD now supports AutoCAD 2005! (May 4, 2004)...

New Hybrid Editor for GIS (April 6, 2004)...

New GIS, Viewing Products (CeBIT March 2004)...

New Indexing Product (November 1, 2003)...

New Distributors signed with softelec (April 30, 2003)...

New VPHybridCAD Version 7 Released (September 1, 2002)...

OEM Product for Korean Market Shipped (April 1, 2000)...

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softelec moves ahead

New Release of VPHybridCAD, VPmap Series, VPindex, and VPview

Munich, November 27th 2015:

softelec introduces for all product families a new Release.

For VPHybridCAD and VPview this is Version 13, for VPmap and VPindex Version 6.
All new products come with a new, modern user interface and are fully compatible with Windows 10.
All VPHybridCAD and VPmap Series are now ready to run with AutoCAD 2016, as well as with their vertical derivates (supported AutoCAD versions: 2010 - 2016)

Highlights of the new Release

A complete list of all new and improved features you can find here.

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VPsolutions now with AutoCAD 2015 Support

Munich, August 1st 2014:

softelec introduces for all product families a new Release.

The new Version 12.1 of VPHybridCAD and Version 5.1 of VPmap Series adds full support of AutoCAD 2015 and its derivates.
In addition the VPview Version 12.1 and VPindex Version 5.1 have been released.
Beside from the added AutoCAD 2015 support this release includes multiple fixes and improvements applicable to all our products.

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New Release of VPHybridCAD, VPmap Series, VPindex, and VPview

Munich, May 28th 2013:

softelec introduces for all product families a new Release.

For VPHybridCAD and VPview this is Version 12, for VPmap and VPindex Version 5.
All new products come with a new, modern user interface and are fully compatible with Windows 8.
With this new Release VPHybridCAD and VPmap supports also the AutoCAD Versions 2013 and 2014 as well as their derivates.
All products with an integrated Text Recognition Module (OCR) come with the latest OCR technology.

Beside others, additional new features are an integrated file browser and a mainly improved PDF support.

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New VPindex/VPindex lite Version 4

Munich, Mai 16 2011:

VPindex has been released in a new version 4 while the new VPindex lite offers a functional and economic product alternative.

VPindex V4 provides more flexibility and easier handling to capture, process, index and archive legacy scan drawings or CAD files. The software mainly manages to record index data from drawing title blocks or from any other position found across the documents. Relevant text or numerical content can be captured by built-in OCR support, including barcode and checkbox interpretation. All recorded index data will be organized in individually defined field sets for seamless export into a database or into a document management system.

As part of an indexing process documents may also be automatically cleaned, rotated or calibrated to standard paper formats. Updated documents will be sent directly to the target archive. Automatic file renaming provides an option for definite, unique document identification. New file names can be generated by using any of the recorded index content.

VPindex supports various image file formats, .pdf, .dxf and .dwg for processing and export. Finalized documents may also be converted automatically to a desired uniform archive format. Single and multi-page file support is available for import and export. The VPindex standard version additionally includes extensive functions to comfortably edit, revise or enhance the content of single drawing documents.

Workflow steps are set up individually for an automatic or interactive process mode. All process settings will be saved and are easily accessible for repeated use or for adaptations to following tasks at any time.

As an application alternative, VPindex lite is designed to capture, clean, index and archive documents only in interactive mode, meaning that documents need to be reviewed and confirmed one after another once they are compiled for a process batch. With only limited cleanup functions available VPindex lite will still record and export index data as the standard version.

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New VP Software Versions

Munich, May 09 2011:

New software versions have been released for all VPHybridCAD, VPview and VPmap Series products. The new release contains various program refinements and additionally supports inside AutoCAD 2012 operation.

Current VPHybridCAD V11 or VPmap Series V4 licenses can be set up to run inside AutoCAD 2012 with an installation of the new software version.

VP software with an up-to-date release state running inside AutoCAD 2004-2011 or using the stand alone mode, can be easily updated with a self-running update package.

Info and update download...

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New Service Pack

Munich, February 10 2011:

For all current VPHybridCAD, VPview and VPmap Series products a new Service Pack is available for a software update. The update is recommended for all stand-alone and AutoCAD installations.

Info and Download...

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New VPHybridCAD Version 11

Munich, October 29 2010:

softelec has just released a new Version 11 of its VPHybridCAD software for editing and converting scanned technical drawings. VPHybridCAD V11 now supports all AutoCAD versions from 2004 to 2011. All VPHybridCAD products also support the 64bit versions of AutoCAD 2010 and 2011 making use of expanded memory and performance. For stand-alone operation VPHybridCAD V11 products now run on Windows 7, XP, and Vista in full 64bit mode. With a number of new and re-designed functions and features VPHybridCAD V11 continues to provide seamless access to scanned technical documents, either for detailed revisions with direct hybrid editing tools, or for complete automatic vector conversion.

For all VPHybridCAD products, such as VPraster and VPstudio, PDF file import has been largely expanded. While most variations of PDF files with embedded raster images are supported, even PDF data containing vector data can be loaded and handled. A PDF/A export format option for long-term file storage has also been added.

Aside from a variety of internal refinements, such as optional raster selection limited to element intersections, symbol search recognition has been enhanced to also work on legacy DXF or DWG drawings. The function automatically converts recurrent groups of entities into blocks with attributes for unified handling, administration or replacement. This is especially helpful for legacy CAD drawings which are missing block structures, like electrical symbols, assembly components, windows, doors, furniture etc.

Update info (PDF)...

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New VPmap Series Version 4

Munich, October 29 2010:

softelec's VPmap Series software products are released in a new version 4. Both products, VPmap and VPmap pro, provide a unique set of functions for capturing spatial data from scanned maps with cost-saving efficiency. VPmap Series V4 now runs on Windows 7, XP, and Vista in full 64bit mode. For use inside AutoCAD/AutoCAD Map 3D all versions from 2004 to 2011 are supported. The new VPmap Series versions also support AutoCAD/AutoCAD Map 3D 2010 and 2011 in 64bit mode, making use of expanded memory and performance, especially for large image data.

VPmap and VPmap pro offer a flexible and independent platform for accessing spatial data from scanned maps for cadastral projects, land development, land survey, geology, and many more. New functions in Version 4 include an enhanced assignment and handling of meta data (attributes). Attributes can be converted to text labels and vice versa. All attribute functions are now also available inside AutoCAD or AutoCAD Map 3D.

Update Info (PDF)...

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Scan Editing and Conversion now available for AutoCAD 2010

Munich, September 10 2009:

softelec has released a new version of its VPHybridCAD and VPmap Series software for editing and conversion of scanned technical and geographical documents. The products now support all AutoCAD platforms from 2004 to 2010. However, users will still have a free choice of stand-alone Windows or AutoCAD-based operation during installation.

While complying with AutoCAD’s “ribbon style” interface VPHybridCAD and VPmap Series users can also make use of the CUI file support in former AutoCAD versions, allowing for seamless toolbar handling inside AutoCAD.

VPstudio/VPmap levelling AutoCAD up to fully "hybrid"

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New VPHybridCAD V10 release sets standards for scans

Munich, September 5, 2008:

softelec has just released a new Version 10 of its VPHybridCAD software for editing and converting scanned technical drawings. VPHybridCAD V10 now supports all AutoCAD versions from 2004 to 2009 and complies with the new AutoCAD 2009 "ribbon style" user interface. With a collection of new and re-designed functions and features for operation inside AutoCAD and in stand-alone mode VPHybridCAD V10 sets the highest standards for professional processing and conversion of scanned technical documents.

For all VPHybridCAD products, such as VPraster and VPstudio, PDF file import has been largely expanded. While most variations of PDF files with embedded raster images are supported, even PDF data containing vector elements can now be loaded and handled inside the VP software.

In addition to a variety of internal refinements for text editing, element combination and line style treatment the "symbol search" module has been completely re-designed. It now provides a simplified setup to automatically detect and replace symbols blocks in raster or hybrid drawings.

VPHybridCAD V10 Screenshot
VPstudio/VPraster V10 levelling AutoCAD up to fully "hybrid"

While complying with AutoCAD's 2009 "ribbon style" interface VPHybridCAD V10 users can now also make use of the CUI file support in former AutoCAD versions, allowing for seamless toolbar handling inside AutoCAD.


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New VPmap Series V3 - Geodata from scanned maps

Munich, September 5, 2008:

softelec's new Version 3 of their VPmap Series software has become available with a number of considerable enhancements. Both products, VPmap and VPmap pro, provide a unique set of functions and features for capturing spatial data from scanned maps with cost-saving efficiency. VPmap Series V3 now also include full function sets from softelec's latest VPHybridCAD product line release, while containing additional specialized tools for applications in the field of GIS and cartography. Both, Windows and AutoCAD 2004 to 2009 platforms are supported with one single license.

VPmap and VPmap pro offer a flexible and independent platform for building up digital spatial data collections from scanned maps in cadastral projects, land development, land survey, geology, and many more. New functions in Version 3 include an enhanced assignment and handling of meta data (attributes) and specific automatic clean-up options for polylines.

VPmap V3 Screenshot

VPmap captures GIS data from scans

VPmap and VPmap pro contain specialized functions for extracting spatial data from black and white or colored scanned maps. Literally with a click of the mouse area objects can be captured as closed polylines or filled polygons, including accurate elimination of overlapping borders. Assigning attribute information to objects is just as convenient and simple, as some can even be calculated automatically. Altogether, VPmap Series contributes to reducing costs immensely when feeding a GIS upon existing paper maps.


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New version/service pack: VPHybridCAD, VPmap Series, VPview

Munich, July 23, 2007:

For existing VPHybridCAD Version 9, VPview V9, and VPmap Series Version 2.1 installations a free software Service Pack 2-2007, including various program corrections and enhancements is immediately available for download.

This Service Pack updates any VPHybridCAD V9/VPview V9 license to the current version 9.03, and any VPmap Series 2.1 to version 2.13. Download the Service pack file VP Service Pack 2-2007-EMulti.exe and start by double-clicking. Then, simply confirm the dialog promptings to automatically update your license(s).

Apart from the Service Pack a new version of all products of the listed product groups is also available as a complete installation package by download and on DVD.

Corrections and enhancements apply for all VPHybridCAD V9/VPmap Series V2 installations, including those with AutoCAD 2002-2008 and stand-alone. Please, view the readme VPServicePack 2-2007.pdf for a detailed listing.

For more information, please contact your local VP software supplier or softelec.

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VPindex V3: new version released

Munich, June 14, 2007:

softelec announces the release of VPindex V3, an all-new version substituting the former V2. With VPindex V3 hundreds of scanned drawings or 2D CAD files can be readily cleaned, indexed, linked to a database, and archived in a day's time.

VPindex handles automated processing of legacy drawings, scans, and 2D CAD files for capture, cleanup, formatting and intelligent storage. Quick retrieval from a database or from a document management system is gained by the program's capabilities of collecting index information by OCR from drawing's title blocks. Seamless data transfer is supported by standard ODBC interfacing. A complete raster/hybrid/CAD editor module has been added to VPindex for extensive clean-up, corrections, and content updates.

VPindex V3 Screenshot

Collecting index information by OCR from drawing's title block with VPindex V3

OCR data capture can also be applied for renaming files according to their title block content. An optional "Power OCR" module will improve recognition rates and includes an expanded set of supported languages, such as Cyrillic and Greek.

All processing options, such as scan cleanup, auto-rotation, CAD to TIF conversion, and many more are organized into customizable tasks. A setup "Wizard" offers comprehensive user assistance for each step to configure automatic workflows. All Microsoft Windows® installation platforms are supported, including VistaTM.


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VPHybridCAD, VPmap Series to support AutoCAD® 2008

Munich, May 15, 2007:

softelec announces the immediate compatibility of all VPHybridCAD and VPmap Series products for Autodesk's latest AutoCAD 2008 version. For any hybrid editing and raster to vector conversion tasks with VPHybridCAD V9 and VPmap Series V2 the AutoCAD 2008 support is built-in and does not require any license updates. The products' operation capabilities to run also in "stand-alone" mode remain unchanged.

VPHybridCAD and VPmap Series products are suited to run with all of the AutoCAD 2008 family of products, including AutoCAD® Civil 3D® 2008, AutoCAD® Architecture 2008, AutoCAD® Map 3D 2008.

For more information please contact your local VP supplier or softelec.

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Operating VP software with Windows VistaTM

Munich, March 14, 2007:

All VP software products in their latest version are ready to run with Windows Vista. Some of Windows Vista's characteristics need to be considered in order to operate VP software products properly. Read more...

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VPHybridCAD - VPmap Series Service Pack

Munich, February 12, 2007:

For existing VPHybridCAD Version 9 and VPmap Series Version 2.1 installations a free software Service Pack 1-2007 including program corrections and enhancements is immediately available for download.

This Service Pack will update any VPHybridCAD V9 license to the current version 9.02, and any VPmap Series 2.1 to version 2.12. Download the Service pack file VP Service Pack 1-2007.exe and start by double-clicking. Then, simply confirm the dialog promptings to automatically update your license(s).

Corrections and enhancements apply for all VPHybridCAD V9/VPmap Series V2 installations, including those with AutoCAD 2002-2007 and stand-alone. See the readme VP Service Pack 1-2007.txt for a detailed listing.

For more information please contact your local VP supplier or softelec.

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VPHybridCAD V9 now supports AutoCAD 2007

Munich, December 4, 2006:

softelec has released VPHybridCAD Version 9 supporting all AutoCAD platforms from 2000 through 2007. In addition to complex AutoCAD platform enhancements for raster, hybrid and vectorization processing several new features have been worked into the new Version 9. Users will now benefit from a simple procedure to detect symbol structures in raster and vector drawings. Moreover, import of scanned documents in PDF format, customizable digital and print document stamping and "smart pick" options for direct raster editing are now provided with the VPHybridCAD products. Numerous requirements from VPHybridCAD's international user community have also been considered to improve on workflows for hybrid processing of legacy drawings in many respects. All VPHybridCAD users holding a valid software maintenance subscription will receive free upgrades to Version 9 for their existing licenses.

VPHybridCAD V9 with AutoCAD 2007

Vectorization and hybrid processing inside AutoCAD 2007

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New softelec tool for CATALOGcreator

Munich, August 28, 2006:

softelec has developed a new tool CC Hotspot Editor for CATALOGcreator, the leading provider of electronic catalogue publishing solutions. The editor introduces a new approach for simple and easy integration of 2-D technical graphics in electronic spare part catalogues and similar documentation volumes.

CC Hotspot Editor is a multifunctional option for the CATALOGcreator software to support the production of electronic product and spar parts catalogues for print, CD-ROM and web publishing. Intensive co-operation of both suppliers CATALOGcreator and softelec, has led to the recent release in August 2006.

As a true innovation CC Hotspot Editor features fast conversion of more 40 different document formats to SVG format, including TIFF, DWG, DXF, PNG, GIF, EPS, CGM, PDF and many more. Thus, literally all available 2D document data will be processed automatically ready for import into CATALOGcreator software.

As a major feature the editor allows to set hotspots in raster graphics. By OCR support links of position or article numbers can be assigned automatically to quickly reference and process technical legacy drawings for an integration into electronic catalogues.

Moreover, the CC Hotspot Editor allows for direct editing, updating and revisions in technical drawings without the need of a CAD program. Altogether, the new tool avoids tedious redrawing and manual work on existing drawings. It contributes to considerable cost savings where technical drawings form the ground work of an electronic product or spare parts catalogue.

CC HotspotEditor Screen Shot

Extremely efficient for creation of electronic catalogues: automatic hotspot recognition with CC HotspotEditor

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Successful International Distributors Summit

Munich, May 26, 2006:

From May 22 to May 24 softelec had the great pleasure to host an International Distributors Conference at Schloss Hohenkammer near Munich, Germany. Attendees from 17 countries around the globe came to meet with the softelec team for three days of technical and marketing presentations, discussions, product training sessions, and an "Honours Awards" dinner.

As a special contribution softelec distributors from Finland, Malaysia and Korea featured individual presentations on corporate and VP product strategies in their specific territories. The conference program also included a guided tour of Munich's spectacular "Arena", which will see the 2006 FIFA WorldCup opening match played between Costa Rica and Germany on June 9.

The final day was dedicated to an "Open House" at the softelec office in Munich where talks and product issues were intensified.

Participants of the softelec International Distributors Summit 2006

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Now: VPmap Series Version 2

Munich, May 8, 2006:

softelec's new Version 2 of their VPmap Series software products has now been released and contains a number of considerable enhancements. Both products, VPmap and VPmap pro, provide a unique set of functions and features for capturing spatial data from scanned maps. VPmap Series V2 now comes with the new option for operation inside Autodesk Map 3D, while choosing to run the programs in "stand-alone" mode remains a standard. Thus, VPmap and VPmap pro offer a flexible and independent platform for building up digital spatial data collections from scanned maps in cadastral projects, land development, land survey, geology, and many more.

VPmap and VPmap pro contain specialized functions for extracting spatial data from black and white or colored scanned maps. Literally with a click of the mouse area objects can be captured as closed polylines or filled polygons, including accurate elimination of overlapping borders. Assigning attribute information to objects is just as convenient and simple, as some can even be calculated automatically. Altogether, VPmap Series contributes to reducing costs immensely when feeding a GIS upon existing paper maps.

The extensive features in the VPmap Series products also include seamless assembly of several raster maps, color separation, mosaicing as well as high-speed and precise multi-point rubber-sheeting. An individual set-up for different coordinate systems and map projections provides maximum flexibility for import and export. Major supported file formats for import and export are GeoTIFF, DWG (Autodesk), SHP (ESRI), MIF (MapInfo), and DGN (Bentley).

In addition to VPmap's standard features VPmap pro comes with a program module for fast automatic vectorization and symbol recognition. Automatic vector conversion options can also be applied on color maps. With its built-in scanner interface VPmap pro thus provides a complete and unique "Scan-to-GIS" Desktop.

Since 1990 softelec is a world leading software supplier for intelligent raster technology in CAD and GIS. VPHybridCAD and VPmap Series are softelec's leading brands for raster editing and vector conversion products. From the Munich, Germany, headquarters softelec products are distributed worldwide through international specialist resellers. More info at

VPmap Series: from scan to digital map with less effort

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German road planning agency decides for VPmap

Munich, February 6, 2006:

"Strassen.NRW", the German state agency of Northrhine-Westfalia for road construction has decided in favour of the softelec VPmap software solution following a public tender. The program will be used to edit and convert existing and future scanned mapping documents. VPmap will be distributed from a central server at Gelsenkirchen to all local offices of Strassen.NRW, summing up to a total of 28 user licenses.

Landesbetrieb Straßen.NRW

Strassen.NRW agency is part of the Northrine-Westfalia state government. All planning activities for road and freeway construction and maintenance in Germany's most populated federal state are managed, executed and controlled from here. Their 19 regional offices consist of 6.500 employees who are taking care of a mere 2.000 km of freeways, 5.000 km of state roads, and 12.000 km of regional roads. The agency now can make use of VPmap which provides a powerful application software to efficiently process the many thousands of legacy paper plans and maps. The software is part of an overall and new digital reprographic system environment, including several large format scanner stations, large format printers, and an up to date electronic document management system.

One of the major criteria for Strassen.NRW to decide for softelec's VPmap had been the option to operate the program on Windows and the latest AutoCAD Map 3D, and AutoCAD platforms. VPmap, first released in 2005, met these requirements without limitations. On all these platforms VPmap provides a unique variety of functions and features to edit, correct, and transfer spatial data from scanned mapping documents.

VPmap's extensive application options include direct editing of scanned map content, seamless assembling of raster maps, automatic color separation, accurate rubber-sheeting according to coordinate systems and projections, and direct polygon extraction with attribute assignment. A mosaicing function provides a conversion of large maps to be published in compressed mode on the internet. Supported import/export formats include DWG, DXF as well as SHP (ArcGIS), MIF (MapInfo) and DGN (MicroStation).
Munich, January 20, 2006:

softelec has announced that their order volume for the entire business year 2005 showed an increase of more than 35 % compared to the figures of the previous year 2004. For the company this has been the most significant increase to be attained in three years. The softelec management comments that they had noticed buoyant investments in public and private organizations on a worldwide scale as one of the major reasons.

Focusing on a controlled expansion of the existing VPHybridCAD and VPmap Series product lines had also contributed much to these gratifying evolvements. "Plus, we have been rewarded for our long-term strategy to heavily concentrate on tight liaisons with national and international distribution partners," as softelec's marketing director Juergen Buhr sums it up. For their 2006 business softelec expects that the positive economic trends will stabilize in domestic and overseas markets. Thus, Juergen Buhr's prognosis reflects these views: "The high demand for modern and cost-saving software for raster processing remains unchanged. In the fields of CAD and GIS we have been moving well ahead with our technology, both technically and commercially. This clearly defines the strategy for our short-term and mid-term objectives."

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VPHybridCAD 8.03 Released

Munich, October 21, 2005:

softelec has released a new version 8.03 of all VPHybridCAD products and VPview. The current release includes minor modifications and corrections for improvements on printing and rasterization functions with their related settings. AutoCAD DWG file handling and import capabilities have also been expanded regarding SHX text fonts and plot style tables. A bird’s eye view option has been added to VPview.

VPHybridCAD Version 8 comes with a brand new interface design in Windows XP style and supports all AutoCAD versions from 2000 through 2006. It includes a collection of brand new function groups, such as dimensions, customizable user workflows, element quick selection, raster table recognition, and many more. With this expanded technology, VPHybridCAD V8 delivers new professional standards for hybrid processing and vectorization. Moreover, color processing functions previously available only in softelec's VPmap Series products for GIS have now become available also in VPHybridCAD V8 for CAD and standard raster drawing applications. Creating and editing Multipage-TIFF documents provide extra functionality now available in the VPHybridCAD V8 products, such as VPraster and VPstudio.

With its many new and superior tools for editing vector and raster data, including full AutoCAD DWG import/export support, VPHybridCAD V8 is the ultimate in hybrid processing and vector conversion.

You can download a full functional VPHybridCAD V8 demo version here.
VPHybridCAD V8 users should use a provided patch download for an easy update of their installation.

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Exclusive Promotion for US Clients

Munich, September 6, 2005:

A joint promotion campaign with GTCO Calcomp offers ScanPlus Large Format scanners/VP software bundles which will save up to $ 5,000.00! This campaign expires October 31, 2005 and offerings are exclusively available for clients in the USA.

Image: medallion

Click here for purchase and campaign details.

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softelec introduces new software for Digital Factory at Hannover Fair

Munich, April 1, 2005:

softelec will present the new version 8 of its VPHybridCAD software line for raster processing and vectorization at the Hannover Industrial Fair in April. Partnering with Facility Management specialists pit-cup of Heidelberg, Germany, softelec will be part of the new "Digital Factory" exhibition area in Hall 15, Stand B17.

With its many new and superior tools for editing vector and raster data, including full AutoCAD DWG 2004/2005 import/export support VPHybridCAD V8 will be the ultimate in hybrid processing and vector conversion. Users who already hold a software maintenance agreement will receive a free update from the previous VPHybridCAD Version 7.

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softelec Appoints New Management

Munich, January 24, 2005:

softelec, the prominent raster software supplier from Munich, Germany, has a new team of leaders. Former key staff members Stefan Horvatin, Bernd Rau and Juergen Buhr have taken over the company's management after the long-time president and founder Dr. Michael Horvatin had retired last year.

With respect to their own working history at softelec the new management team takes an optimistic look on markets and on future business perspectives. From the end of the 1980s softelec has been specialized on the development of raster editing and vectorization software products for CAD and GIS applications. "For our global business we see the company as being very well positioned. We have started 2005 with new high potential sales partners, national and international. And we are only a few days away from a new product release," as new president Stefan Horvatin confirms the prevailing mood at softelec. "For many years our software products have been ranked internationally at topmost positions for their quality and for their productive power. This determines the most important benchmarks for our future product development", says Bernd Rau, long-time head of development and one of the three new MDs at softelec.

Foto: New Management

"Our principal strengths have always been openness, feasible products on highest technology levels, and continuity. This is what made softelec a global success and what clients and partners are definitely expecting from us in the future. Thus, these are the cornerstones of all our strategic objectives - including some possible surprises", defines marketing director Juergen Buhr the company's main goals. There may well be good reasons for this optimism: For a new software release of VPHybridCAD V8 a major sales order has just been received from a leading German energy supplier.

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Users prognosticate increasing demand for softelec software

Munich, September 20, 2004:
Recent user poll shows promising market perspectives for Munich based raster software specialist

More than one third of softelec users estimate an increase in requirements to apply their raster software in the next few years. The largest potential can be foreseen in graphic services, in GIS related applications, and in the mechanical industry. These are the major results of a recent research study initiated by softelec.

A specialist in software development of raster, hybrid, and vector conversion technology since the early 1990s softelec's future looks bright. More than 90 percent of their clients predict that using the software will at least stay stable on the current level. About 38 percent even expect an increase in demand.

High Potential Industry Sectors
In some industrial sectors even above average requirements are estimated. Particularly scan and drafting service providers as well as users from geographical applications and in the mechanical industry see a growing demand compared to the current status. This has been expressed by more than 40 percent of these users.

"The figures point out quite clearly that we have been right with our product strategy. Obviously, we are successful in fulfilling user requirements and market needs", resumes Stefan Horvatin, managing director of softelec.
The poll results prove that softelec's software has become an indispensable tool for many companies and is applied frequently. 25 percent of all respondents are making use of it on a daily basis. One third have stated to run it frequently and constantly. 18 percent use the software on a weekly basis. Thus, more than three quarters of all users are applying softelec programs at least once a week. "From discussions with clients we were aware that our products often have a major significance for key tasks in a company. Now the results of the poll bring even more evidence for this", says Horvatin.

The most active users are found at graphic service providers and in Facility Management applications.

Figure 1: Frequency of usage of softelec products

Software Supports Key Tasks
Broad coverage across application areas is another indicator for the significance of softelec´s software. Two thirds of the respondents use it for a clean-up of their scanned drawings. For 57 percent drawing conversion is a primary functionality while 53 percent use the software's extensive tool set for editing or revisions, 44 percent for legacy drawings' enhancements. Thus, the software is applied for at least two different kinds of applications. "These results support our general strategy which is to combine different tool groups and features in one product. Another good reason why our VPHybridCAD line of products is the leading brand in raster/vector processing."

Figure 2: Future requirements for softelec´s software products

In spring 2004 softelec had sent out a questionnaire to registered clients interrogating the frequency of usage of the softelec products, customer satisfaction, and future application trends.

Softelec's software products are primarily employed by users from graphic services, geographical applications, mechanical engineering, or industrial plant planning. Close to 44 percent of the respondents use VPraster or VPraster edit products, while more than 30 percent are using softelec's top level solution VPstudio. Of all users interrogated 69 percent were from European countries, 16 percent from North America, and 14 percent from Asia.

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VPmap Series Released!

Munich, June 15, 2004:
VPmap and the extended VPmap pro provide a perfect bridge between scanned maps and digital spatial data management, such as classic GIS platforms ArcGIS, MapInfo, Autodesk Map, and others. VPmap Series makes the ideal start for building up digital spatial data collections from scanned maps in cadastral projects, land development, land survey, geology, and many more.

Outdating an earlier pre-release, even more intelligence has been worked into the extraordinary raster area detection in VPmap Series. These functions allow to generate polygon and polyline objects from raster maps with literally just a click! Attribute information can easily be assigned to objects - some even automatically, like area size and circumference.

Program handling details have been optimized and GeoTIFF definitions and processing provide a full range of customizable parameter settings for different projections and coordinate systems.

On top, VPmap pro includes all of the automatic vectorization features of VPstudio and delivers the most advanced Scan-to-GIS desktop solution available today.

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VPHybridCAD now supports AutoCAD 2005!

Munich, May 4, 2004:
softelec has announced the immediate availability of the VPHybridCAD products for AutoCAD 2005. For all existing V7.x licenses a free download of the latest VPHybridCAD Version 7.13 is available in the softelec download area.

VPHybridCAD products are now suited to run with all of the AutoCAD 2005 family of products. To enable current VPHybridCAD V7.x licenses for AutoCAD 2005 a free download of VPHybridCAD V 7.13 for an easy re-installation is available in the softelec download area .

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New Hybrid Editor for GIS

Munich, April 6, 2004:
softelec has announced the upcoming release of VPmap, a new universal Scan-to-GIS hybrid editor. VPmap provides professional interactive tools to create, georeference, and edit project materials from scanned maps or existing GIS data.

VPmap will be targeted at GIS applications, mainly to transfer scanned maps into ArcGIS/ArcInfo (ESRI), MapInfo, Autodesk Map etc. Thus, VPmap contains GeoTIFF, Shapefile, and MIF support for import and export explicitly to and from GIS platforms.

New functions for automatic polygon and closed polyline generation have been implemented in VPmap exceeding the current range of VPHybridCAD tools. Capturing graphic data from scanned maps also includes options for a structural record of attributes and layers for GIS databases. With the separation of color raster layers this can also be applied to colored maps.

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softelec exhibits at CeBIT - New Raster/GIS Products

Hanover, March 18-24, 2004:
softelec will present new products for hybrid and raster processing at this year's CeBIT from March 18 -24 2004. The booth 2e9 in hall 1 will feature softelec exhibiting as exclusive software partners of Danish large format scanning leader Contex A/S. The solution focus is going to be put on automatic drawing capture and database indexing, and on transfer processing of scanned maps with functions specifically designed for GIS import/export such as ESRI, Mapinfo, AutoCADMap etc.

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New VPindex for Electronic Archiving

Munich, November 1, 2003:
softelec announced today the availability of VPindex, the professional solution to easily bring scanned drawings to electronic archives. Guided by a wizard, users define a batch process to clean-up, rotate, convert, and crop scanned drawings, plus recognize the contents of the drawing's title block. This information will be directly exported to customer's drawing database for easy retrieval. Automatic title block localization, automatic drawing rotation and calibration to paper format, and various export possibilities, like HTML for CD creation make VPindex the most professional solution for engineering and archiving professionals.
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New Distributors signed up for VPHybridCAD

Munich, April 30, 2003:
softelec is proud to confirm the signing of three new VPHybridCAD distributors in the first quarter of 2003.
While with well-known raster professionals "CAD Affiliates", of Houston,TX steady relations had been established some time ago, softelec welcomes "Syarikat E. J. Motiwalla", based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia as a new member on the global raster scene. Earlier in January "SpaceCAD Ltd." entered VPHybridCAD distribution who is managing channel business and major accounts in Bulgaria. Among the latter is Lukoil, one of the world's largest companies in the oil and petrol industry and a VPHybridCAD user since 2002.

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New VPHybridCAD Release: Version 7

Munich, Sept. 1, 2002:
VPHybridCAD Version 7 enables CAD, GIS, and EDM users to directly access, edit, and modify scanned technical documents. With a success story of over 10 years, and more than 13,000 sold licenses, the awarded product line now incorporates a range of pioneering innovations with Version 7.

Direct raster-to-vector conversion and line tracing of colored drawings and maps, reduction and further optimization of processing steps, multi-document and multi-image capability and the CAD-like command line interface are among the forerunning novelties of VPHybridCAD V7.

In November, support of AutoCAD LT will be added to the existing platforms Windows and AutoCAD. In addition, localized versions in traditional and simplified Chinese, Korean, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Japanese will be available.

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OEM product "Eldorado" delivered to Korea

Munich, April 1, 2000:
softelec has developed an OEM product for the Cadastral Authorities in Korea and their "Eldorado" project. Earlier in March this year 250 licenses of the special "Eldorado" software were delivered by softelec’s longtime partner in Korea's capital Seoul, Taeil Systems Ltd. The product provides raster processing and automatic vector conversion for actual and historical maps. The digitized maps will be available in all regional cadastral offices throughout Korea for GIS processing and administration. In the past the project start had been postponed several times, due to economical turbulences in Korea and the mere of the other Far East countries. In order to capture the documents properly special flatbed scanner hardware had to be developed for the project. Many maps are coated on thick metal plates and they could not be processed by standard scanner devices.

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